Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Begining

Ahh..the one and only USEF Pony Finals. Only summer and a couple monthes away from being in Kentucky and following my dreams and hopefully the start of a posible career. But before going, one must get qualified (i.e. a champion or reserve at a "A" or "AA" rated show).  The Large Green ponys is the category that me and my amazing big boy, Cooper, must be our best in. Getting to go to shows can be the harder part. These shows can become very expensive, but luckily I have a loving mother that wants me to go to. My blog, if anyone reads it, will hopefully inspire other younge riders to follow their dreams no matter what kind of competition they want to compete in. Now let me tell you about my pony...

I got Cooper about two years ago, and he is all I could ever ask for. Although it was hard selling my medium pony, I was eager to get a larger pony and start jumping higher jumps. Cooper is nothing but a big goof ball sometimes. He is very easy to get along with and pretty much everybody likes him. I think that if Cooper could talk he would talk about himself. Yes, I do believe that my pony is a self-admiring animal. He poses for cameras...nuff said. Cooper's best friend, Forest (aka. "The Forenator"), owned by my best friend, Katelyn, is his partner in crime. Cooper is my partner, He is my "Perfect Partner." There is no other show name that could fit him better than that.

I firgured that if this blog is going to be about going to Pony Finals it should also be about parts of my life too. My life as I start preparing myself to become a freshman next fall. As scarry as it may seem to myself and my parents..I will be in high school. But thats pretty far off lets just start now eight grade. I go to a private school and I have my whole life, and I always probably will. The only time I ever questioned it was this year when I had a option to go to the public high school I'm zoned for. I thought about but I just could never leave the school I'm at now. I fell like sometimes I live a double life. My life at school and my life at my barn, which I forgot to mention is named Oak Leaf. I have my friends at school and my friends at the barn. Two different types of groups:

Now for my best friend, Katelyn. She goes to public school, which sometimes we can get at it about which is better, private school or public? But no matter what I get along with her much more than I do with the girls at my school. Her horse Forest is Cooper's bestfriend (just like us!), or atleast we try to make them best friends. Katelyn and I pretty much do everything together. She knows everything that goes on in my life and I know everything that goes on in her life. The one thing though that has made the last couple weekends different is Katelyn's grandmother. "June Bear", my nickname for her, has a brain tumor and is dying. Katelyn and her mom Shera, one of my role models, have been strong about it. I don't think I could be in either one of their shoes. Im here for Katelyn, and she knows I'm just a phone call away.

Atticus Finch said, in the book To Kill a Mockingbird, " You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."


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